Thursday, 28 May 2015


Tattoo Design

Need to be considered in choosing a tattoo design, You need to think carefully about your tattoo idea before you make some tattoo in your body. Tattoo Designs Ideas is very very important. Here, I will explain about a few Tattoo Ideas. complete with names and categories of the tattoo design .

Tattoo aesthetics

If your goal is tattoo which looking cool without a meaning, make sure your tattoo placing in good aesthetics view. Example there are some that may be a good tattoo is placed on the arm, but it would be bad when placed in the body. 

Aesthetics also connotes, in some cases traditional tattoo each tattoo design placement have own meanings. in Borneans tattoo have Bunga terung Tattoo Design. Actually "Bunga Terung" will placing in chest. Its means, a male who has gone through or into the adult stage. 


Butterfly Tattoo ,

butterfly tattoo meaning
Butterfly tattoo means

This is most girl popular tattoo design.
a lot of Ancient cultures believe if a butterfly is some creature that can bring souls from earth to heaven.

butterfly also has a meaning as a symbol of the beauty of the world that can exceed the limits. or beautiful freedom .

Tattoo in picture is, Realism style

Maori Tattoo

Tattoo designs meaning - maori tattoo
Maori Tattoo Meaning
This tattoo is very popular among celebrities. The tattoo motif is ancient Polynesian mine tribe belongs. developed by the art of modern times. means that a creativity has no limits . 

Illuminati Tattoo 

Tattoo designs meaning by
Illuminati Tattoo Mean
Illuminati Tattoo means, "The eye Of Horus" or "The eye of Ra" ,  which is derived from the ancient Egyptian gods. which has a meaning as a god of protection and health. 

The Eyes Of Horus also can mean someone who is dear to you and is always there to protect you. However, lately the eyes of the god Horus tattoo is also denoted as adherents ilumination. This is a few most popular Tattoo Design. 

KOI Fish Tattoo

tattoo designs ideas by jakarta tattoo artist
Koi Tattoo Meaning
Koi Fish tattoo design meaning, has the meaning of courage, the ability to have high ideals and willingness to reach it. 

This is tattoo design belong in Oriental Tattoo Style. Because this motif was born in China and Japanesse style. koi fish emblem can also be represented as a spiritual and emotional strength. 

and the ability of these fish to swim hundreds of miles has been appointed as a symbol of perseverance.

Owl Tattoo

tattoo design inspiration
Owl tattoo mean, who someone is alive at night or "Nocturnal" .  they tend to move at night. and has a good sense at night. besides tattoo owl also be interpreted as a mysterious man. 

So can we conclude someone who chose this owl tattoo. certainly he was someone who often roam at night, and has a dark soul .

This tattoo is usually preferred by men, because of its unique shape. 
and it describes the private person. Tattoo Style in Picture are : Realism tattoo style.

Cherry Tattoo

cute tattoo design
Cherry Tattoo
Cherry tattoo meaning, You remember in the days of pirates or wartime?  usually a lot of women who work in the cafe or bar use this tattoo image. Yes because it illustrates a freedom. and can be played. or more appropriate symbol for the wanton woman. 

But are now beginning to disappear stigma like that. cherry tattoo is preferable because the motive is funny and unique. usually women who use this tattoo image. 

Tattoo in Picture is New school tattoo Style

Wolf Tattoo

tattoo designs meanings inspiration
Wolf tattoo
Wolf tattoo meaning, You know how wolves grow up? at the time she was born from the mother's abdomen. wolves are not breastfed. but he was immediately abandoned by her mother. but he was still trying to grow up. and he is the most loyal animals. because he never leave or forget his mother. under any circumstances. therefore.

The wolf tattoo usually describe a person living alone or a broken home, who do not or who lack the affection of their parents. but he still struggled for life and making proud they parents.

The tattoo style : Realism fantasy tatoo style

Oke i will updates soon for more tattoo means ...

Thats about tattoo designs meaning 

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