Thursday, 28 May 2015



Lotus Flower Tattoo, This flower grows in mud and bloom on the water. many people who love this lotus flower tattoo motif. besides beautiful shape. This flower has a meaning as a symbol of a unique and spiritual. Actually this tattoo design, packaged in Oriental Style.

Lotus flower tattoo meaning -

In Chinese society, their believe the Lotus Flower tattoo as a symbol Of spiritualism perfection. This flower is a flower that grows from mud and bloom over the water. but he would not sink into the water. usually they live above the calm water but dirty there. The leaves are wide floating above the water and is often used as a springboard frog. 

In that condition, people will think this flower is a dirty flower. Inappropriate to achieve because so dirty the place where he lived. But it turns out that all the opposite from the fact. lotus flowers still grow with beauty and elegance. So that he as become a torch in the dark place where it is grown, and it will remain saved. 

like meaning in human life. like we were created as beings with beautiful. Who always want to grow for the achievement of a goal.  A lotus flower mean is generally equipped with eight petals, in accordance with the Eightfold Path of Good Law. White lotus flower is considered as the lotus of the Buddha (but not the Buddha himself) because of the above mentioned symbols associated with it.


White Lotus Flower
White Lotus, means purity of mind and tranquility of human nature, and spiritual perfection. Who tell to us a pure soul in darkness .

Red Lotus Flower
Red lotus, means and symbolizes unconditional love, passion, compassion, and kindness. Lotus flowers are in full bloom symbolize the greatness and generosity. a vehicle majesty of the gods .

Blue Lotus Flower
Blue lotus, is means about a high science and knowledge. never told in Egypt that symbolizes the culture of trust one's control of the mind and soul which releases materialistic aspirations in life that would reach the perfection of the soul.

Purple Lotus Flower 
in the teachings of Buddhists, purple Lotus flower means something mystical and sacred, linked to the main road 8 in the teachings of Buddhists. 

Its main lotus flower tattoo mean that describe the spirit in overcoming the miseries of life towards perfection. This flower is very fascinating, definitely only be with seen sure everyone was already interested in. Then the lotus flower tattoo has a meaning high. Actually this tattoo design can able for men or women. And packaged in Oriental style with full color, so the tattoo artist can implementing the perfect expectation in the lotus flower color. 

Aesthetic, in aesthetic case. usually lotus flower tattoo design will placing in arm. or in back.

Lotus flower tattoo meaning 

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