Tuesday 6 August 2013



Yes, you should know. when you already have a tattoo machine. without power supply, the machine will not turn on. because the power supply it is useful to convert the electricity then sent to the tattoo machine via Clip Chord later.

Power units in the barometer power supply usually is (Volt),
power supply is one of the most important tools in the activities of the tattoo.
there are many types of power supply, there are J & J, Critical, etc.

Are generally currently available in the market that there are digital, there is also the only key. the better power supply. it will influence the comfort when using a tattoo machine.
because literally, a good power supply that will generate great power too. precisely constant. constant electrical power will not make our tattoo machines quickly broken. because the coil or rotary, in both the armature windings are copper.
if the electricity generated power supply is not static or konstant. of course the electric circulation through the copper will be jammed.

Often sudden death, that's what resulted in a short-circuit at our tattoo machines.
yes, it can not be denied. Obviously, a good power supply it is relatively expensive. but why not? when we are getting good equipment. then we will be more comfortable in the process of making tattoo. the quality of the tattoo that we generate even more good. consumers also will feel satisfied. so he will not give up.

I never felt a loss by buying an expensive tattoo equipment. because it is not how the income we get from patients who were satisfied with the results of our work.

okay so the discussion on this tattoo power supply, may be useful. Do not forget to leave your comments ..

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